Friday, August 2, 2019

600 Days of Panda

It has officially been 600 days since we got to hold our sweet Panda for the first time!

He has grown, matured, learned, and eaten so much! But I look forward to the day that I can say he has been home more days than he spent in the orphanage:

929 days - 2 years, 6 months, and 14 days 

So on June 27, 2020 we will be celebrating! He will have been home officially longer than sitting in the orphanage feeling forgotten, but so very not.

How many years did he spend before that with his birth mother? We don't know, nor may we ever know. Based on the dentist's estimation of his age, we believe close to 2 years with his birth mother. Due to his growth hormone deficiency, his age is very difficult to determine. I touched on this in a previous post - feel free to click back and read if you're trying to catch up on our Panda Puzzle! (Panda Update, 1 year and 4 months)

Panda Bear is rocking daily life around here!

Sleeping: I have to start here because this is where I am most excited to share! Ladybug moves downstairs to sleep at night in the hottest months of the year, and Panda asked if he could join her in the playroom this July.
~~Dramatic Pause~~
For the first time since coming home, Panda willingly moved into a different room to sleep at night than where Mom and Dad were. Y'ALL!
I'm pretty sure I didn't snap a picture for fear of knocking the moment off of its axis. He successfully slept in the playroom with Ladybug for about 2 weeks before asking to return to our room. He always wants to be sure his options are open and he's never being kicked out or abandoned. As he continues to build trust in his options, he will continue to take bigger strides out of the nest. We are so proud of him!
 <--The Nest

Eating: With Ladybug's birthday coming up, all Panda likes to discuss right now is cake. For a little boy who didn't even want to touch his first birthday cake the month after he came home, he has sure come around! Don't worry little fella, there will be cake galore.

He is learning to try new fruits and vegetables, although he still mostly just prefers meats and crackers. And now cheese - he has become quite the fan of cheese.
"Hey bud, would you like some lunch?"
"Yes, please! But just cheese, Mom. JUST CHEESE."

He is suddenly having trouble identifying when he is hungry, which is a very touchy subject for him. Children who have previously been in situations where their basic needs were not met will obviously have some triggers, and in this case, it is hunger. Things can turn on a dime - one moment Panda is peacefully playing with his dinosaurs, the next he is screaming in a complete panic and unable to communicate with me about why. He clings to me like his life depends on it (because in his mind at that moment it does) while I search every part of his body checking for a maimed limb or anything else that could spark such an intense and sudden reaction. I am learning now to check for hunger first, and 99.9% of the time, that's exactly what it is.

That being said, it seems to be healthy that he is processing these things during the day now as his nights have become much more tranquil. His nightmares have been significantly reduced in their frequency. His early food-related trauma appears to be coming to the surface and he's allowing himself to work through it. Thankfully we have been trained and have access to many resources for guiding our little guy through this challenge as this is a common issue for children who have been adopted. It won't be quick or easy, but we will trudge through this valley together, supporting Panda every step of the way.

Speech/language - Panda  is a nonstop chatterbox! He is still learning so much, language-wise and how to physically form words with his mouth and tongue. Others outside of the family still struggle to understand his sentences, but it doesn't deter him from trying. He likes to share his thoughts! (And when they do understand, it's hilarious to see the looks on their faces as they realize the little guy is actually quite bossy.)

Growth - I told Panda the other day when he put on his pants and they actually fit, "Hey buddy! You are growing!" He smiled, quite pleased with the compliment, and answered, "Oh! Thank you, Mommy!" He then proceeded to notify everyone he saw that day about his growth.
He's enjoying his new height since he is now able to reach things with the help of his little step stool. He carries it around the house for various endeavours...use your imagination for that one! If you can think it, he has likely tried it.

Separation from Mom: At church on Sundays now, Panda is excited to be dropped off in the classroom! He and Ladybug go to the same class which I know provides him comfort having his sister around. He is allowing himself to be babysat at times, and there is a little bit more flexibility to our lives as a result. Perhaps next year he will even be ready for a preschool program, but we will see. I have learned to not plan too far ahead and not to put either of my kids on my timeline - they will do life as they see fit. Whenever he is ready! He is spirited and brave, so I can't wait to see what Panda has in store for us.

A few pictures of Panda life:

Panda's favorite morning activity while I cook breakfast: sitting in the tray on the couch. 

Learning about our bones! Panda's favorite is the mandible.

Family game night is becoming more frequent as both kiddos are beginning to understand the concept of a game!

A rare cool morning when we were able to play outside!

Take notice: Panda's bare feet in the grass without a second thought! Oh how far he's come.

Life is about to change as Ladybug begins kindergarten, so prayers for little Panda. Ladybug is his best friend, so it will be an adjustment for him. People's presence (or lack thereof) affects him more than anything else, so The Duke and I are working hard to anticipate his needs to the best of our abilities. God bless all of you teachers and students out there as you also begin the school year! 

1 comment:

  1. I love reading your stories, so interesting and exciting to see how far he has come. Lots of love and blessings to this wonderful family!😇❤️


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